Global Day - Stop THE WAR Coalition 2021


25.01.2021 - GERMANY / HAMBURG

#StopArmingSaudi #WorldSaysNo #YemenCantWait

Organizer Global Day of Action - World Says NO TO WAR ON YEMEN

Organizer Global Day of Action - STOP THE WAR COALITION (UK)
United Kingdom
Yemeni Alliiance Committee - World Says NO TO WAR ON YEMEN

385 Organisationen aus 28 Ländern haben den Aufruf gegen den Jemen-Krieg unterzeichnet!

Damit ist dies die größte internationale Antikriegskoordinierung seit der Kampagne gegen den Irakkrieg. Leider mussten aufgrund der Umstände nach der Covid-19-Pandemie viele der geplanten physischen Proteste verschoben werden, aber unsere globale Bewegung wird nicht zum Schweigen gebracht. Dieser Protest sollte nur wenige Tage nach der Amtseinführung von Joe Biden stattfinden, der versprochen hat, die Unterstützung der USA für den Krieg zu beenden. Dies ist unser einziges zentrales Ziel - ihn an sein Wort zu halten und andere Regierungen zu zwingen, diesem Beispiel zu folgen.

25.01.2021 - Global Day of Action - World Says NO TO WAR IN YEMEN ◊ Germany in Hamburg: von 14:00 bis 17:00 Uhr Theodor-Heuss-Platz
25.01.2021 - Global Day of Action - World Says NO TO WAR IN YEMEN ◊ Germany in Hamburg: von 14:00 bis 17:00 Uhr Theodor-Heuss-Platz

Impressionen & Medien

Stop the WAR (UK): Der schockierend unterberichtete Krieg im Jemen hat zum Tod von 250.000 Menschen geführt und laut UN die schlimmste humanitäre Krise der Welt verursacht. Sie schätzen, dass mehr als 24 Millionen Menschen im Land, das bereits vor dem Krieg zu den ärmsten der Welt gehörte, im Jahr 2021 humanitäre Hilfe benötigen werden.


Der Krieg wird von Saudi-Arabien unter Beteiligung der VAE geführt, aber von einigen wichtigen westlichen Mächten unterstützt - den USA, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Spanien, Italien und Kanada, Deutschland. Insbesondere die USA und Großbritannien haben Saudi-Arabien seit Kriegsbeginn ohne Zweifel unterstützt und sind beide am Krieg beteiligt.


25.01.2021 - Middle East Eye

Biden wird unter Druck gesetzt, die Unterstützung für den von Saudi-Arabien geführten Krieg im Jemen zu beenden 

(Dauer: 02:56)


HAMBURG - Die Welt sagt NEIN ZUM KRIEG IM JEMEN, Gastrednerin Żaklin Nastić (MdB / Die LINKE)

Nur Reden auf Deutsch (Dauer: 45:58)

(ARABIC) خطب باللغة العربية في 25 يناير 2021 في هامبورغ

(EN) Only English-Speaker on 25.01.2021 in Hamburg (11:12)

Facebook-Livestream (D / EN / ARABIC)

25.01.2021 Livestream ab ca. 14:00 Uhr auf Facebook > Mathias Tretschog <
25.01.2021 Livestream ab ca. 14:00 Uhr auf Facebook > Mathias Tretschog <

Yemen / Jemen 





25.01.2021 – Middle East Eye (USA)

Kundgebungen, die das Ende des Krieges im Jemen forderten, fanden in New York, Newark und San Francisco statt.


Yemeni Alliance Committee Bay Area - Jehan Hakim 

Canada / Kanada

United Kingdom / Großbritannien - London


Australia / Australien 

Global Online Rally

Damit die Welt Nein zum Krieg gegen die globale Online-Kundgebung im Jemen sagt, haben wir eine Gruppe prominenter Stimmen aus der ganzen Welt zusammengebracht, um sich gegen diesen äußerst brutalen Krieg auszusprechen und sein sofortiges Ende zu fordern.



Unter denjenigen, die am Montag, den 25. Januar, um 19 Uhr GMT zu uns kommen, sind…

  • Ahmed Al-Babati (britisch-jemenitischer Soldat)
  • Dr. Shireen Aladeimi
  • Apsana Begum Abgeordneter
  • Jeremy Corbyn Abgeordneter
  • John Finucane Abgeordneter (Sinn Féin)
  • Lindsey Deutscher (Stop the War Coalition)
  • Jehan Hakim (Ausschuss der jemenitischen Allianz)
  • Kate Hudson (CND) Abgeordneter
  • Ro Khanna
  • Esa Mächtiger
  • Daniele Obono (Mitglied der französischen Nationalversammlung)
  • Yanis Varoufakis (MeRA25-Generalsekretär)
  • Dr. Cornel West

Internationale Presseschau

Unterzeichner / SIGNATORIES

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 25. Januar 2021, 21:00 Uhr in New York

1. Stop the War Coalition (UK)

2. Action Corps (US)

3. Yemeni Alliance Committee (US)

4. Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation (US)


6. Just Foreign Policy (US)

7. Peace Action (US)

8. Voices for Creative Nonviolence (UK and US)

9. Freedom Forward (US)

10. Massachusetts Peace Action (US)

11. Peace Action New York State (US)

12. London Students for Yemen (UK)

13. Arab Organisation for Human Rights in the UK

14. Nonviolence International (Global)

15. Mobilization Against War and Occupation (Canada)

16. Rete No War Roma (Italy)

17. The Lady Fatemah Charitable Trust (UK)

18. Union of Arab American Women (US)

19. (US)

20. Labour Against the Arms Trade (Canada)

21. Yemeni Community in Canada

22. Iraqi Democrats (UK)

23. Raytheon Anti-War Campaign, Mass. (US)

24. World BEYOND War

25. Campaign Against Arms Trade (UK)

26. Western New York Peace Center (US)

27. Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (UK)

28. White Rabbit Grove RDNA (US)

29. New Jersey Peace Action (US)

30. Students for Yemen (US)

31. Islamophobia Studies Center (US)

32. Arabian Rights Watch Association (US)

33. Veterans For Peace - Santa Fe Chapter (US)

34. Baltimore, MD Phil Berrigan Memorial Chapter Veterans For Peace (US)

35. Veterans For Peace - NYC Chapter 34 (US)

36. Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space (US)

37. Granny Peace Brigade    (US)

38. Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition

39. NYC Metro Raging Grannies (US)

40. The New York Catholic Worker  (US)

41. United National Antiwar Coalition (US)

42. Pax Christi USA

43. Maine WTR Resource Center (US)

44. Banyan Tree (India)

45. No to War - No to NATO (International)

46. Dwight Hall Peace Initiative (US)

47. Demilitarise Education Ltd. (UK)

48. Stop the WAR in Yemen (Germany)

49. Veterans For Peace (US)

50. Insan for Human Rights and Peace (Germany)

51. Grup Antimilitarista Tortuga (Spain)

52. Pax Christi Whatcom (US)

53. Pax Christi Illinois (US)

54. St. Camillus/Pax Christi Los Angeles (US)

55. Pax Christi Lansing (US)

56. Pax Christi Dallas (US)

57. Holy Spirit Catholic Community (US)

58. Pax Christi Little Rock     (US)

59. Marymount-Pax Christi (US)

60. American Friends Service Committee (US)

61. Pax Christi El Paso (US)

62. Colectivo Noviolencia (Spain)

63. Human Rights for Yemen Charity (UK: England & Wales)

64. Frente Antiimperialista Internacionalista (Spain)

65. Catholics for Peace and Justice (US)

66. Peace Action of WI (US)

67. Laughton Greenwood (UK)

68. Rodmell Food Forest (UK)

69. Center for International Policy

70. Pax Christi Northern CA (US)

71. Albert and Amelia Ferst Interfaith Center (US)

72. Canadian Defenders For Human Rights

73. United for Peace and Justice (US)

74. The United Methodist Church - General Board of Church and Society (US)

75. Social and Cultural Association of Polish Palestinians (Poland)

76. University Network for Human Rights (US)

77. New Internationalism Project, Institute for Policy Studies (US)

78. Peace by Peace (US)

79. La France insoumise (France)

80. Ain Sohaota Kendra Foundation (Bangladesh)

81. Just Peace Advocates (Canada)

82. Peace in Kurdistan (UK)

83. Movimiento por un mundo sin guerras y sin violencia (Chile)

84. Veterans For Peace Chapter 61-St Louis MO (US)

85. NW/1400/5 Branch Unite the Union (UK)

86. East Lancashire CND (UK)

87. Nasmo Foundation for Rights & Freedom Supporting the Social Peace (Yemen)

88. Entesaf for Woman and Child Rights (Yemen)

89. CAPA DePaul (US)

90. Collectif Échec à la guerre (Canada)

91. Tower Hamlets CND (UK)

92. Amnesty Thetford (UK)

93. Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Cymru (UK)

94. London Campaign Against Arms Trade (UK)

95.  Midland PeaceWorks (Canada)

96. Cymdeithas y Cymod, the Fellowship of Reconciliation in Wales

97. Canadian Foreign Policy Institute

98. Vancouver Peace Poppies (Canada)

99. Aktion Aufschrei - Stoppt den Waffenhandel! (Germany)

100. Peace & Neutrality Alliance Ireland

101. Human Rights Sentinel (Ireland)

102. War Resisters League (US)

103. Canadian Peace Congress

104. Lebenshaus Schwäbische Alb e.V. (Germany)

105. Migrant Solidarity Network (Switzerland)

106. The Nuclear Resister (US)

107. Women's International League for Peace and Freedom US

108. Canadian BDS Coalition

109. Forum Peace Ethics within the Evangelical Church of Baden, Germany

110. Chicago Area Peace Action (US)

111. Chicago Committee Against War and Racism (US)

112. Black Lives Matter (UK)

113. Pax Christi Western Massachusetts (US)

114. Madison-Rafah Sister City Project (US)

115. Science for Peace Canada

116. Disarm Oxford (UK)

117. Bund fuer Soziale Verteidigung (Federation for Social Defence) (Germany)

118. Kooperation für den Frieden / Cooperation for Peace (Germany)

119. Revolutionary United Front (US)

120. East lancashire CND (UK)

121. Centre for the Study of Gender, Culture and Social Processes (India)

122. UK Democratic Socialists of America

123. Nación Andaluza (Spain)

124. Health Alliance International (US)

125. North Country Peace Group, Setauket, NY (US)

126. Peace Pledge Union (UK)

127. United Against Inhumanity

128. Salam For Yemen (France)

129. Asociación de Militares y Reservistas de Especial Disponibilidad 45+ (Spain)

130. Association Coopérative d’Économie familiale de Québec (Canada)

131. Solidarios sin Fronteras (Spain and Yemen)

132. La Guerra Empieza Aquí (Spain)

133. GERNIKA GOGORATUZ Peace Research Center (Spain)

134. Alternativa antimilitarista. Moc Las Palmas (Spain)

135. Karabana Mugak Zabaldu (Spain)

136. Gernikatik Mundura ONGD (Spain)

137. rete antirazzista catanese   e  Comitato NoMuos//NoSigonella-Ct (Italy)

138. Information Centre on Militarisation (IMI) (Germany)

139. Jungsozialist*innen Kanton Zürich (Switzerland)

140. Réseau du Forum Social de Québec-Chaudière-Appalaches (Canada)

141. Le Mouvement de la Paix - France     

142. Maine War Tax Resistance Resource Center (US)


144. Rehumanize International (US)

145. Environmentalists Against War (US)

146. Positive Moon (UK)

147. Peace Action Maine (US)

148. Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space (US)

149. Women in Black - Augusta, Maine (US)

150. Civilized Humanity (US)

151. Behind Enemy Lines Anti-Imperialist Resistance (US)

152. WILPF-ITALIA (Italy)

153. Greater Brunswick PeaceWorks (US)

154. Comitato pace convivenza "Danilo Dolci" - Trieste (Italy)

155. Pax Christi (Italy)

156. LEPOCO Peace Center (Lehigh-Pocono Committee of Concern) (US)

157. Democratic Socialists of America, SF Chapter, International Solidarity Committee (US)


159. Abbasso la Guerra OdV (Italy)

160. Bien Vivre Ensemble (Canada)

161. Charter for compassion Yemen (Yemen)

162. Merrimack Valley People for Peace (US)

163. Frauennetzwerk für Frieden e.V. (Women's Network for Peace, Germany)

164. Centro Studi Sereno Regis (Italy)

165. Democratic Socialists of America – International Committee (US)

166. Voices for Creative Nonviolence (US)

167. Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation (US)

168. Al-Hayah (Yemen)

169. Palestinian Youth Movement (North America)

170. Women Against Nuclear Power - Finland

171. Shadow World Investigations    (UK)

172. Justice Movement-Yemen

173. Palestine Aid Belfast (UK)

174. Spin Film (US)

175. Xaverian Missionaries UK Region       

176. Pax Christi Scotland

177. Political Discussions for Peace (Cyprus)

178. Tid Til Fred - aktiv mod krig (Time for Peace - active against war) (Denmark)

179. Bwana Foundation (US)

180. Peace Action Bay Ridge (US)

181. Doctors in Unite branch of Unite the Union (UK)

182. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network (International)

183. Northeast Tennessee Democratic Socialists of America (US)

184. NYC War Resisters League (US)

185. CodePink EastBay Chapter, SF Bay Area, California (US)

186. MENA Rights Group      (Switzerland)

187. Revista La Mar de Onuba (Spain)

188. Emakumeok gerraren aurka - Mujeres contra la guerra (Basque Country, Spain)

189. Berkeley Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) (US)

190. Stand for Justice (UK)

191. Birmingham National Education Union (UK)   

192. Merseyside Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (UK)

193. Project South (US)

194. Justice for Muslims Collective (US)

195. Arab Resource & Organizing Center (AROC) (US)


196. Green Party Peace Action (US)

197. Veteranos por la Paz España (Spain)

198. US Campaign for Palestinian RIghts (USCPR) (US)

199. Libyan American Alliance (US)

200. Seed the Commons  (US)

201. Yemen Solidarity Council (International)

202. Yemeni Community Association of Canada 

203. Friends of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) in France

204. Save Yemen (Yemen)

205. Antennes de paix Montréal (Canada)

206. Jewish Voice for Peace, Bay Area Chapter (US)

207. Long Beach Area Peace  Network (US)

208. Broome Tioga Green Party (US)

209. Pasaje Seguro Cantabria (Spain)


211. MusCare (US)

212. Dorchester People for Peace and Justice (US)

213. World Can't Wait (US)

214. Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice (Canada)

215. Carovane Migranti (Italy)

216. Justice is Global (US)

217. Pendle Palestine Twinning Group (UK)

218. Avaaz (International)

219. Boston DSA Internationalism Working Group (US)

220. Sam for rights and development (Yemen)

221. The Union Of Arabian Academics (Yemen)

222. Muslims United for Justice (US)

223. Illinois Green Party (US)

224. Neighbors For Peace/Evanston-Chicago (US)

225. Coop Anti-War Cafe Berlin (Germany)

226. Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) (Canada)

227. Plataforma Burgos con las personas refugiadas (Spain)

228. Caravana Abriendo Fronteras (Spain)

229. People For Peace, London (Canada)

230. East Bay Democratic Socialists of America (US)


232. Middle East Crisis Committee (Connecticut) (US)

233. Ground the Drones and End the Wars (US)

234. Syracuse Peace Council (US)

235. Maine War Tax Resistance Resource Center (US)

236. Peace Action of WI        (US)

237. Bremer Friedensforum (Germany)

238. Veterans for Peace, Syracuse, NY Chapter (US)

239. GSsA - Groupe pour une Suisse sans armée  / GSoA - Gruppe für eine Schweiz ohne Armee (Switzerland)

240. Associazione Albatros (Italy)

241. Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns (US)

242. Love Without Borders-For Refugees in Need  (Greece-USA)

243. About Face: Veterans Against the War (US)

244. Historians for Peace and Democracy (US)

245. Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War (Canada)

246. Health Alliance International (US)

247. Libertarian Party Mises Caucus (US)

248. Wage Peace (Australia)

249. Comitato NoMuos/NoSigonella (Italy)

250. Victoria County Libertarian Party of Texas (US)

251. Coordinamento Ossola Solidale (Italy)


253. Berliner Initiative  Legt den Leo an die Kette (Germany)

254. Sholem Community of Los Angeles (US)

255. Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR-USA)

256. Workers Voice Socialist Movement (US)

257. Commission 4 of the International League of Peoples' Struggles       (International)

258. Reject Raytheon AVL (Asheville, NC) (US)

259. Green Party of Santa Clara County (US)

260. German Yemen Centre for Peace and Development

261. Peace Com. 15th St. Friends Mtg. (Quakers) (US)

262. Brooklyn For Peace       (US)

263. Democratic Socialists of America (US)

264. Workers Party of Britain (UK)

265. Tampa Democratic Socialists of America (US)

266. Middle East Peace - Community Organizing Center (US)

267. Students for Yemen (Birmingham, UK)

268. Women Against War (US)

269. Collettivo Autonomo Lavoratori Portuali (CALP Genova) (Italy)

270. Middle East Peace (US)

271. The Manenberg Artesia Aids and Peace Project (US)


273. Northern California War Tax Resistance/People's Life Fund  (US)

274. Federazione Regionale Europa Verde Liguria (Italy)

275. Galway Alliance Against War (Ireland)

276. Peace People Northern Ireland

277. South Country Peace Group (US)

278. Chicago Democratic Socialists of America

279. Latin America Solidarity Coalition of Western Massachusetts (US)

280. Earth Care Not Warfare (US)

281. Frauen für den Frieden Schweiz (Switzerland)

282. Metro D.C. Democratic Socialists of America

283. Young Democratic Socialists of America at Valencia College (US)

284. Partido Socialista Libre Federación (Spain)

285. Justice And Peace Scotland

286. Sardegna PULITA (Italy)

287. Frauen für den Frieden Schweiz (Switzerland)

288. Muslim LGBT Network (UK)

289. Denver Peace Council (US)

290. TECs Tertulias en Cuarentena (Spain)

291. Seattle Democratic Socialists of America

292. Edinburgh Stop the War (Scotland)

293. International Centre for Eritrean Refugees and Asylum Seekers - ICERAS (UK)

294. Pax Christi - Kommission Friedenspolitik (Germany)

295. All Creatures (US)

296. Resistance Studies Initiative, UMass Amherst (US)

297. WILPF Scotland

298. Beyond War and  Militarism, Syracuse, NY (US)

299. Portland DSA (US)

300. Edmonton Small Press Association (ESPA) (Canada)

301. Canadian Women's Declaration


303. Associazione Oltre il Mare (Italy)

304. NJ State Industrial Union Council (US)

305. GreenNet           (US)

306. Peace, Justice, Sustainability NOW! (US)

307. Sí: Plataforma contra la impunidad de los crímenes del franquismo (Spain)

308. Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak Araba (Spain)

309. HATAH (Germany)

310. Women Against Military Madness (US)

311. Campagna Stop RWM (Italy)

312. Emergency Genova      (Italy)

313. Lake/McHenry DSA, Illinois (US)

314. InterReligious Task Force On Central America (US)

315. Guccione Multimedia Inc. (US)

316. Progress & Advancement Forum (Yemen)

317. Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto, Ministry for Social Justice, Peace, and Creation Care (Canada)

318. Indiana Green Party (US)

319. Donne in Nero Roma-Italia (Italy)

320. Middle Tennessee Democratic Socialists of America

321. Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice, and the Environment (US)

322. Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

323. Fellowship of Reconciliation Austria

324. ALQST for Human Rights (UK)

325. Arkansas WAND Women's Action for New Directions (US)

326. Baltimore Nonviolence Center (US)

327. Liverpool Friends of Palestine   (UK)

328. International Council Supporting Fair Trial and Human Rights (Switzerland)

329. Friends of South Yemen London (UK)

330. Gangjeong Peace Network (South Korea)

331. Polemics: Journal of the Working Class Struggle (US)

332. Antiwar[.]com (US)

333. Faulkner County (Arkansas) Libertarian Party (US)

334. Peace SOS (Netherlands)

335. San Francisco Bay Physicians for Social Responsibility (US)

336. Tripla Difesa Onlus Global Internazional No Violence ODV

337. Humanitarian Organization for Peace, Relief and Development (Yemen)

338. International Commission for Peace, Rights and Freedoms (Global)

339. Tenth Amendment Center (US)

340. Libertarian Party of Arkansas    (US)

341. Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom (Indonesia)

342. THANKS WING (Bangladesh)

343. Young Filipino Writers Forum (Philippines)

344. Royal Kutai Mulawarman Peace International Institute Philippines (Philippines)


346. Everybody_Is_US_Network (South Korea)

347. Asia Pacific Business Affairs of Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom (Indonesia)

348. World Without War (South Korea)

349. Peace & Justice (Scotland)

350. PEACEMOMO (Republic of Korea)

351. Iqra Foundation (Jammu & Kashmir)

352. Asociaciación Musulmana por los Derechos Humanos (Spain)

353. Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism (Islamic Republic of Iran)

354. Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau (Barcelona, Spain)

355. Minnesota Campaign to Ban Landmines (US)

356. European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights e.V. (ECCHR) (Germany)

357. Pax Christi MA; St. Susanna Pax Christi (US)

358. Old Dog Documentaries            (US)

359. Sisters of Saint Joseph of Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, PA (US)

360. Twin Cities Nonviolent (US)

361. Agape Community Inc. (US)

362. Sisters of St.Francis of Philadelphia (US)

363. St. Maurice at Resurrection Catholic Church Pax Christi (US)

364. Glasgow CND (Scotland)

365. Migrant Roots Media (US)

366. The Raucous Rooster (US)

367. Democrats Aboard, Fankfurt, Germany Chapter

368. Uwais Qarni Islamic Centre (South Africa)

369. Africa4Palestine (South Africa)

370. Edinburgh CND (Scotland)

371. Aberdeen and District Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament   (UK)

372. Demand Progress (US)

373. Aberdeen University CND (Scotland)

374. Libertarian Party of Northern Virginia (LPNOVA) (US)

375. Taos Environmental Film Festival (US)

376. CTCE Educational Group (Iraq)

377. Sisters of Charity of New York (US)

378. Madar organization for childhood and development (Yemen)

379. All-African People's Revolutionary Party (GC)/A-APRP(GC) (US)

380. Fazle Ahmed Naqshabandi Trust (South Africa)

381. Astrid Academy (Sweden)

382. MovingVentures, Inc. (US)

383. Cassiopeia Schooner Project    (US / Oceans of the World)

384. Dynamic Peace Rescue Mission International (Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Academy) (Nigeria)

385. Action Corps NYC (US)