The children in Yemen die in silence... unheard of the world!

Let's give these countless children’s silent dying only 1 minute of our lives – as a reminder for and paying tribute to their stolen lives.

Let's make the silent dying of these children visible!


Wherever people have the courage to pause, to remember.


On 9 November 2018, in the period from noon 12pm to 1 pm (12.00-13.00).


Please print out the poster. Stick it on cardboard. Rise on 9 November 2018 in the period from noon 12 to 1 pm and show the poster in silence for 1 minute. No matter where you are at this time, in the supermarket, at the gas station, at the workplace, etc., take part and feel sympathy!


1 minute of courage, grief and silence for the dying children in Yemen!

Please show your courage, your grief and your commemoration!


Thank you!

Birgit Schlie – initiator, Friedensbrücke-Kriegsopferhilfe e.V.



Pictures of your minute of silence or short video of max. 1 minute can be published here on this page.

Please specify whether with or without naming names. E-mail →

PDF-Download für Schweigeminute "Die Kinder im Jemen sterben leise ...
PDF-Download für Schweigeminute "Die Kinder im Jemen sterben leise ... Ins Bild klicken, download abwarten und ausdrucken!

In solidarity cooperation

Pamela Bennet (USA), is currently on hunger strike

Faraj, Almatari (Sanaa, Jemen), Director Yemen Friends e.V. 

Friedensbrücke-Kriegsopferhilfe e.V.
Stop the WAR in Yemen - Friedensinitiative
Friedensinitiative aus Berlin
Jakob Reiman - Investigativer Journalist bei Justice Now
Jakob Reiman
Willkommensinitiative Zu Gast in KW
Willkommensinitiative Zu Gast in KW

Mahnwache Potsdam
Mahnwache Potsdam
Mahnwache Berlin
Mahnwache Berlin
Friedenskoordination Cottbus (Friko)
Friko Cottbus
Frieden Dresden
Frieden Dresden
Bautzner Frieden
Bautzner Frieden

Mahnwache Hamburg
Mahnwache Hamburg
Grand Tourisme Worldwide
Grand Tourisme Worldwide
Bilbo Calvez
Bilbo Calvez
Yemen Friends e.V.
Friedensfestival Pax Terra Musica

Ständige Publikumskonferenz der öff.-rechtl. Medien
aufstehen Niedersachsen
Ahmet Refii Dener - go2TR
Ahmet Refii Dener
attac - Cottbus
attac - Cottbus

Partei Menschliche Welt
Ost-Sachsen TV
Insan Für Menschenrechte und Frieden e.V.

Shannonwatch - Irish peaceproject
Shannonwatch - Irish peaceproject
Offenes Friedensforum
Offenes Friedensforum